Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Facial Countdown

My poor sweet husband spent most of the last few months with his family telling him that we couldn't wait for him to shave his beard. Charlie, Jane and I didn't like the prickles. I think Maggie was the only one that didn't put up a fuss when he wanted a kiss.
This is where Mike decided to have a little fun with it. There was no way he was going to let this go without a little "play time". 
Have I ever mentioned that when I get out a camera my husband starts acting like a big goof ?Rarely does he let me take a normal picture.

Have I ever mentioned that when I get out a camera my husband starts acting like a big goof ?Rarely does he let me take a normal picture.

It was really hard to look at him like this......creepy - molester - drunk guy. This one lasted all of half a day but he did go to a meeting like this, embarrassing.

This was only around the house. Even he was too embarrassed to go out like this.

So I need your help, I'm sort of thinking that I miss the beard. He looks good with it right? Charlie and Jane are saying that they want it back and I'm a little afraid to say it too. (Since I spent the majority of the time telling him to get rid of it.) Usually I'm not a big facial hair gal but maybe I should be. Please vote grow it back or keep it smooth?
Here is my little plug for My niece JoAnn sent me a link to get $10.00 off my first order so I decided to get online and check them out. Come to find out it's awesome! I haven't purchased baby stuff in the store for months. They have the formula and diapers that I use every day and the prices are a little bit cheaper than what I would get them for in the store. The best part of all is that the order comes FREE Shipping Next Day! I was pleasantly surprised when it was really on my doorstep the next day.
They have all kinds of baby items and small toys but I just happen to use them for the essentials. Check it out and tell your friends. I really don't think you'll regret it.
Here is your code to get $10.00 off your first order. Good luck and I'd love to hear back if you liked it or not. (You may want to order after Christmas to make sure you get next day shipping.) code CRXS0221
They have all kinds of baby items and small toys but I just happen to use them for the essentials. Check it out and tell your friends. I really don't think you'll regret it.
Here is your code to get $10.00 off your first order. Good luck and I'd love to hear back if you liked it or not. (You may want to order after Christmas to make sure you get next day shipping.) code CRXS0221
Thursday, December 18, 2008
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I am a big gift bag user but I love the look of a beautifully wrapped present with a nice big bow
2. Real tree or Artificial? Fake, again it's all about the ease. Love the smell of a fresh one just don't like the clean up.
3. When do you put up the tree? Any time after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? Whenever my laziness allows
5. Do you like Egg Nog? Geeerose.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Sadly, I don't even know. My mother went to great efforts to make Christmas special but I have a terrible memory. I know that I loved every Christmas.
7. Hardest person to buy for? Mike for sure. The man likes electronics and gadgets or gear. I can't surprise him because it just won't do.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, two. One small ceramic one and an olive wood one. (thanks Debi)
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? White Christmas is certainly my favorite classic but I do get a kick out of ELf.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? As soon as I realize Christmas is coming. Usually November.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I have totally re given gifts. BUT, I tell the person that is getting it, I don't give it as a "gift".
16. Lights on the tree? Yes, lots of white ones.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home, less stress.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donner ,Blitzen, Rudolph.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Nothing but I'd vote a star.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?Morning, I like excitement to build.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?Crazy people that kill for gifts and deals.(I meant "kill" in the literal sense.)
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Classics. Red, silver, white.
24. Favorite Christmas dinner? Something that doesn't require too much work.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Nothing really. A nap.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Fake, again it's all about the ease. Love the smell of a fresh one just don't like the clean up.
3. When do you put up the tree? Any time after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? Whenever my laziness allows
5. Do you like Egg Nog? Geeerose.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Sadly, I don't even know. My mother went to great efforts to make Christmas special but I have a terrible memory. I know that I loved every Christmas.
7. Hardest person to buy for? Mike for sure. The man likes electronics and gadgets or gear. I can't surprise him because it just won't do.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, two. One small ceramic one and an olive wood one. (thanks Debi)
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? White Christmas is certainly my favorite classic but I do get a kick out of ELf.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? As soon as I realize Christmas is coming. Usually November.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I have totally re given gifts. BUT, I tell the person that is getting it, I don't give it as a "gift".
16. Lights on the tree? Yes, lots of white ones.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home, less stress.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donner ,Blitzen, Rudolph.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Nothing but I'd vote a star.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?Morning, I like excitement to build.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?Crazy people that kill for gifts and deals.(I meant "kill" in the literal sense.)
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Classics. Red, silver, white.
24. Favorite Christmas dinner? Something that doesn't require too much work.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Nothing really. A nap.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Savior of the World

Mike has wrapped up all if his performances in the play and Charlie and I were able to attend this last weekend.

(There might be a tear there, mixed with a good amount of sweat and glisten.)
I thought it would be a great idea to take Charlie to see what his dad has been doing the last several months. I think I was wrong. 

The play was very well put together and the actors all did such a good job. Charlie enjoyed seeing his Dad on stage, eating treats, rolling on the ground, whining, asking to leave, pouting, giving me dirty looks, squirming and any other four year old emotions. I'm the big dummy for thinking it was a good idea to take him. The poor little guy was totally confused about how a "play" works. When Jesus was born his response was, "I thought that Jesus lived in Heaven, what's he doing right there?" Then he was only confused more when the resurrected Jesus appeared to the disciples because he said, " But he was just a baby."

I think it is bitter sweet for Mike right now. We are happy that we get to have him around a little more but it was certainly a good and spiritual experience for him. Here are some of his costume changes.

Stay tuned for the slow removal of the beard. I'm not sure he can part with it all at once.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Holy Smokes! Momma's 80!
That's right folks. My sweet mother of 33 years is 80. You do the math. (This is where my older sister would always try to convince me that I was Down Syndrome)
Mom is one tough cookie. She has outlived the age of her husband, father, mother and only sister. The great part is that her mind is still sharp and she still has many years to go (or so I keep telling her).

Mom -
Thank you for teaching me to love others, to not judge them, to show compassion, to stand up for what is right, to feed the visiting teachers, to write Thank you cards, to clean, to bear my testimony, to have dinner with my family, to take care of my husband, to speak clearly, to appreciate and acknowledge others, to stand up for the weak, to love my Heavenly Father, to love my Dad, to read to my children and of course there is the all famous, don’t chew gum in public. ( not that I do all of these things, I can be a slow learner)
And how cute is it that she posed with her poodle? Don't worry we've all teased her.
Bedtime Mess
If you read my last post you'll notice that I was filled with the spirit of sweetness and love for such cute kids. That sweet feeling is gone and it departed last night at exactly 2:50 am when I heard "happy" yelling coming from the hallway outside of my bedroom. I walked out of the room to find the hallway empty but the light from Charlie's room was shining underneath the door. (They have yet to learn Eric's trick of putting a blanket down to hide the light.)
There they were in all of their happy glory. Singing and looking at books. I wasn't really sure what emotion was appropriate. A nice hard swat came to mind but really they were just to happy for that amount of anger. So I stood there not really knowing how I was going to get these kids who were wide awake to go back to sleep. I laid down on the bed and asked them to lay down too. Didn't work. I gave a threat that I wasn't willing to back up. They looked at each other and laughed. So I just laid there, half awake, and let them talk and read to each other. Charlie explained to Jane how monsters can't get in our house because Mom and Dad lock all of the doors each night. After a half hour a brilliant thought came to mind. Benadryl. That's right folks, drugs, that was all I had in my midnight brain. I went downstairs to get the appropriate dose and applied my great idea. So for the next hour I would kindly ask them to lay down, hold still, stop talking. We turned on some music and I tried to rest in the bed with them. Then finally sweet victory. I went to bed at 4:30.
Maybe Jane and Charlie sharing a bed isn't such a great idea.
There they were in all of their happy glory. Singing and looking at books. I wasn't really sure what emotion was appropriate. A nice hard swat came to mind but really they were just to happy for that amount of anger. So I stood there not really knowing how I was going to get these kids who were wide awake to go back to sleep. I laid down on the bed and asked them to lay down too. Didn't work. I gave a threat that I wasn't willing to back up. They looked at each other and laughed. So I just laid there, half awake, and let them talk and read to each other. Charlie explained to Jane how monsters can't get in our house because Mom and Dad lock all of the doors each night. After a half hour a brilliant thought came to mind. Benadryl. That's right folks, drugs, that was all I had in my midnight brain. I went downstairs to get the appropriate dose and applied my great idea. So for the next hour I would kindly ask them to lay down, hold still, stop talking. We turned on some music and I tried to rest in the bed with them. Then finally sweet victory. I went to bed at 4:30.
Maybe Jane and Charlie sharing a bed isn't such a great idea.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Bedtime Stories
We tried a couple of months ago to transition Jane to her toddler bed but it has not gone well. I haven't found the desire to push the issue so she has been sleeping in our pack-n-play. Lately she has discovered that she is perfectly capable of climbing out at 3:00am and coming in to our room to say in a loud, full Janey voice "Mom, what ya doin?" I haven't enjoyed that either. So on to plan C.
The last four nights we have been putting her in to sleep with her big brother. He wasn't to keen on the idea at first but now he likes this new plan. Tonight I went up to put them both to bed. I was lying there in the dark as Jane continued to laugh and giggle and say "oh no, the monster is coming". Charlie was not amused and his only response was "Jane it's time to go to sleep".
Charlie fell asleep quickly and I got up, kissed Jane, told her to be quiet and then left the room. There was no way that this would work. I was certain that she would be out of the room in a matter of minutes. But no. A full forty five minutes had gone by. Only peace. I went up to put on my p.j.'s only to discover that a light was coming from below the bedroom door. Oh great! I put my ear up to the door but no sound. I slowly opened the door to find Charlie dead asleep and my sweet Janey quietly looking at books. She had gotten out of bed, turned on the light and loaded about eight books up onto the bed to entertain herself. I closed the door before I was discovered and then came straight down to the computer to log this moment. I am still amazed. Happy, but amazed. What a sweet little girl.
The last four nights we have been putting her in to sleep with her big brother. He wasn't to keen on the idea at first but now he likes this new plan. Tonight I went up to put them both to bed. I was lying there in the dark as Jane continued to laugh and giggle and say "oh no, the monster is coming". Charlie was not amused and his only response was "Jane it's time to go to sleep".
Charlie fell asleep quickly and I got up, kissed Jane, told her to be quiet and then left the room. There was no way that this would work. I was certain that she would be out of the room in a matter of minutes. But no. A full forty five minutes had gone by. Only peace. I went up to put on my p.j.'s only to discover that a light was coming from below the bedroom door. Oh great! I put my ear up to the door but no sound. I slowly opened the door to find Charlie dead asleep and my sweet Janey quietly looking at books. She had gotten out of bed, turned on the light and loaded about eight books up onto the bed to entertain herself. I closed the door before I was discovered and then came straight down to the computer to log this moment. I am still amazed. Happy, but amazed. What a sweet little girl.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Classics from the boy
Charlie: Dad, how many people are in our family?
Dad: There are five of us.
Charlie: FIVE?! Wow, we have a really great family.
Charlie: Dad, can we buy a little brother and put it in moms tummy? I really want a baby brother.
Dad: There are five of us.
Charlie: FIVE?! Wow, we have a really great family.
Charlie: Dad, can we buy a little brother and put it in moms tummy? I really want a baby brother.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sister Update
My sister Tricia (I like to call her number six) is really hanging in there. Yesterday the Doctors said that she has a little bit of brain damage but she is responding well to all of the things that they are doing for her. She is strong and stubborn and funny (hmm that kind of sounds like me). She has always given me great words of wisdom and the lady is a work horse.
Her husband Jeff (who we all adore ) and her sweet kids are rallying by her side. When a tragedy strikes there always seems to be good along with it. Why is that? I have been feeling nothing but love for my sister and whole family. I think that my family shines brighter when called upon to come together or serve.
Thank you for praying for my sister. Keep it up, we love the power of prayer. You can check out her recovery here...
(This is a shout out to family for a better picture of Trish. Come on seriously we can do better than that. And then send it to Michelle/Hell #11 hee hee)
Her husband Jeff (who we all adore ) and her sweet kids are rallying by her side. When a tragedy strikes there always seems to be good along with it. Why is that? I have been feeling nothing but love for my sister and whole family. I think that my family shines brighter when called upon to come together or serve.
Thank you for praying for my sister. Keep it up, we love the power of prayer. You can check out her recovery here...
(This is a shout out to family for a better picture of Trish. Come on seriously we can do better than that. And then send it to Michelle/Hell #11 hee hee)
Six Months
Maggie went to the Doctor today and here are her stats...
Head 17 1/4
Height 26 3/4 - 75%
Weight 18lb 3oz - 80%
I think we should be measuring my biceps as the months go by.
Head 17 1/4
Height 26 3/4 - 75%
Weight 18lb 3oz - 80%
I think we should be measuring my biceps as the months go by.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Week of Thanks
Hooray for visitors! We would have moved away a long time ago if we had known it could be this fun. My sister Debi and some of her family came to visit us this week.
Adam, Dave, Debi and McKenzie
I just had to include this picture because Mike is so stinkin burly. The production starts this coming weekend so we won't get to see him much these next two weeks. He thinks he wants to keep the beard but we have all voted him out. No more kisses Dad! It's scratchy.
Patient Moe
The squirrels would come up and eat out of our hands. I'm pretty sure that the kids thought that was cooler than any of the monuments.
Jane loves hats, purses, jackets. I've been calling her "hobo jane" lately but the Hansen's renamed her "bag lady jane". Fitting I think.

Mac and the Washington Monument

Mac and the Washington Monument
The kids loved playing with McKenzie. She was fun to have around and she kept all of us entertained. As usual.

Where's Charlie?

Where's Charlie?
Another great week. We went to Manassas to check out the battlefields, toured a day in DC, visited Arlington Cemetery, had a yummy Thanksgiving dinner with four missionaries, watched movies and Dave and Adam painted our bedroom. (I think that as everyone has come they want to work as hard as Michelle. No complaints here. )
The more the merrier, come on over!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
"Sisters, Sisters....
......there were never such devoted sisters." I just got a call this evening that my sister Trish was hurt in a repelling accident. She was flown to SLC and will be undergoing surgery to release the swelling in her head. I know that the Lord is aware of our family at this time because I feel surprisingly calm and peaceful. I am grateful for the power of prayer and the massive family we have to back it up.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tis the season to count my blessings.
- Mike - I really am lucky to have such a great husband. I often need to work out things in my brain and he is the perfect companion for me.
- Charlie - makes me aware of my weaknesses, like patience. Yet one sweet act makes me feel like I am doing something right.
- Jane - her constant singing (though it only makes sense to me) is a delight in our home.
- Maggie - my little sweetie who even gives a smile in the middle of the night.
- Mom - I'm lucky to have a mom who has taught me so much and I'm grateful she is still here.
- In laws - Ivan and Helene are wonderful and I'm pretty lucky to be related.
- Extended Family - Siblings, In laws, Nieces, Nephews - Blessed with so many relatives, and really I mean sooo many. I love that type of support system for me and my children.
- Good Friends - friends can just be an extension of family. I have sweet friends.
- Simple Things - but the list is long, a warm house, a car that works, ability to pay the bills, a husband who is employed.
- My Country - I feel very fortunate to be an American and I hope that I can teach my children how lucky they are.
- Jesus Christ - his sacrifice is often incomprehensible to me. Amazing.
- Heavenly Father - without my knowledge of him my life wouldn't have meaning. I am so grateful that he loves me and is aware of me and my strengths and weaknesses.
(this post is in no particular order :) )
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Does he really remember?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Uncle Matt
You know, there is just something about Matt (Mike's little brother). He is a delight to have around. I usually just smile when I hear his voice or know that I get to spend some time with him. The minute he showed up at our house he was playing with the kids and entertaining all of us.
We're hoping that living out here on the East will help in being able to spend more time with Uncle Matt. Here are some pictures to show you why is he is so fun to have around.
We're hoping that living out here on the East will help in being able to spend more time with Uncle Matt. Here are some pictures to show you why is he is so fun to have around.

Finally Pictures to Prove it

On a more important note: When Mom came she brought a whole box of bread. I couldn't let all of that yummy goodness go to waste so we had to go and buy a much needed freezer.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa
What could be better than a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Crosland? Not much. We had a week full of fun and work. I still don't know how Helene is able to completely out work me. I was exhausted at the end of each day and she always wanted to do more. We painted the kids' rooms (pictures will come in another post), cleaned out the garage, organized the storage room, Dad pruned our trees, cleaned out the front flower beds, tore down a tree, bought a freezer, toured DC, enjoyed Charlie's primary program and even got to play with fantastic Uncle Matt. We've been so lucky.
There will be some pictures of our fun week coming. All of my pictures are on the other computer which is why I've been delaying this blog. Sorry for the absence. I'll have to just play catch up for a while because so much has been going on. Give me a couple of days.....
There will be some pictures of our fun week coming. All of my pictures are on the other computer which is why I've been delaying this blog. Sorry for the absence. I'll have to just play catch up for a while because so much has been going on. Give me a couple of days.....
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