Friday, August 29, 2008
Oh Charlie
Jane: (Screaming) No Towie, No Towie, Aaahhh!
Mom: Charlie, give her back her sippy cup right now!
Charlie: Mom, just listen to me. Every time she has her cup I just get really thirsty.
Second Scenario
I was using a large tape measure to get the specs on the room.
Charlie: Wow Mom, I didn't know you could do that, you have so many talents!
Third Scenario
When Jane is in trouble and about to be put on time out, you can always hear Charlie yell "Janey run for your lives." As if she has more than one.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
This Week

(Hanna, Charlie, Jane, Kyle & Jacob)
This pose of Hanna's reminds me a little of our good friend Isabelle from back home.
I just got back from a book club meeting which I will really just call a girls night out. Let's be serious I haven't read the book. I was just going for the social interaction. The ladies were a lot of fun and turns out that most of them hadn't read the book either. Apparently it's just a good excuse to get out of the house.(Angie, Tammi, Lori)

(Sara, Irene, Melissa, Lindsey)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thank You Disney
Charlie: Mom, I wish the birds would wake me up like that.
Charlie: Can we find some mice like that so I can talk to them?
Charlie: I wish they would help me make my bed.
Mom: I wish that too.

The other day I came into the kitchen to find Charlie "helping" me by unloading the dishwasher. I found every item from the dishwasher in a line around the counter and island. He explained that he was being Ratatouille. I realized he wasn't being the delicious dish, but instead the Rat named Remi from the movie. He is fascinated with cooking and helping me cook. I tried to show him how you stack the same dishes together but he didn't like my version and thought that his was much better. Of course by his version of emptying the dishwasher he was really just creating more work for me but it was cute right?

Friday, August 22, 2008
Gift of Tongues
Word -- Translation
Poxkapole -- Popsicle
Femes -- Things
Oly tow -- Holy cow
Whying -- Crying
Towie -- Charlie
Bucano -- Volcano
TT Doe -- Cookie Dough
TT Tat -- Kitty Cat
No nuts -- Donut
Munch -- Lunch

Jane always keeps us on our toes. We laugh a lot thanks to Janey. Her new found love are these sweet Dora glasses.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Our Walking Trail

Charlie loves to lead the way while his sister drags behind.
- Here is a list of some of the things we have seen on our walks......
- Big ol bugs
- Butterflies ( lots and lots of Monarch's)
- Hawks
- Squirrels
- Bunnies
- Turtles
- Ground Hog ( or something like it)
- Frogs
- Blackberries
- Dogs
- Humans (have I ever mentioned that Charlie is convinced that he is not a human?)
A couple of pics to back up my story......
There are so many turtles here but they are usually hanging out in the green mossy stuff. This picture is pure luck.

We have also met several other "Maggie's" in the neighborhood, they just all happen to be dogs.
Otter pops, always a good way to end a walk when we are all sweating to death.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Luray Cavern

Toward the end of the tour Janey biffed it and took a boot to the face. The screaming in the cave was oh so loud.

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Museums and More

We were able to keep Charlie's attention for almost an hour! That is a feat.

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Lesson Learned
Along the walk we saw some soda bottles so I talked to him about littering and that the next time we came we could bring some bags to pick up all of the garbage we found along the trail.
We stopped to eat wild blackberries. They are all over this fun trail. Again I tried to speed him up and gave him a little lecture that next time he would be riding in a stroller. ( I knew he wouldn't like that.) He started to join me at that point and the next thing I knew he was behind again! Aagghh! I looked back and he was picking up sticks and throwing them into the bushes. When I was about to get on his case again he said " I am cleaning up the trail so Heavenly Father will be so happy." And that 's when I knew I was blowing it. Here I was trying to hurry him up when I should have just been enjoying our time together. So that's what I did. I slowed down. I started helping him throw the sticks.
Next we found some more blackberries. Every time he would eat one he would rub his tummy and say "mmm yum". Then he surprised me again letting me know that we needed to say a prayer and thank Heavenly Father for these delicious berries. So we did. Charlie said a cute little prayer. Then we went on with our slow paced walk. By the end I had to carry him but I didn't mind this time. He taught me a good lesson today. The walk took about 4 times longer than I had anticipated but it was also 100 times better.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Little Changes
- Bugs, more than I've ever seen in my life. Bugs I have never seen before. Big, loud and everywhere. My children are going to have awesome insect collections in science class.
- I didn't realize until moving here that Charlie has never smelled cigarette smoke, pretty lucky for a boy who's almost four. Every time we pass someone who is smoking he plugs his nose, makes a yucky face and loudly says "Mom, what's that gross smell?"
- There is a Starbucks in every grocery store. I knew that Starbucks was popular and on every corner but every Grocery Store? Weird. The shopping carts all have cup holders. I guess it's hard to grocery shop without your cup of joe.
- No more Grandma Sycamore's bread. Each time I ask a local what their favorite bread is they look at me like I am strange. No local favorites here.
- People just stop and chat with me. Everyone is very friendly.
- I've had four different people stop me and comment that I have my hands full. They think that three young kids is strange. Wait till they see what my true potential can be, 5,6,7,8?
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Leaving Home
Tuesday I was able to have lunch with my girlfriends. We've had fun together and been able to rely on each other with questions and the occasional boredom we suffer.
My sister has spent the summer re-doing her pool.