Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well the jar didn't fill up before the puppy got here. Frankly I'm surprised that my husband lasted as long as he did. Mike and I had many of debates on the kind of dog we wanted. Every idea he threw out was ten feet tall and hairy. Bernese Mountain dog, Newfoundland, Bull Mastiff. I just kept begging for an already trained mild, small, less hairy dog. Apparently that was asking too much. I think that Bernie will be big, but she is a doodle (my mother would be so proud) so hopefully not too much hair.
So far she is a joy to have around. Very great with the kids, in fact she is really taking to the abuse rather well. She gets carried, mauled, smushed, and doesn't seem to mind. Strange right? House training is still in the works and I've discovered it's much like potty training. I'm really the only one who is being trained here.... watching the clock, going in and out of the back door, you know the drill. But alas, we all love her.

This picture was the first time that the kids were able to get her excited enough to chase them. Charlie and Jane were both so happy. Jane yelled, "she loves us now" and Charlie said, " she knows we are her family". On the first full day Charlie was holding and loving her and I saw him lean down into her face and say "don't die, okay."

So far, I'm still saying that it was a great decision.


Cammi said...

YAY FOR DOGS!!! Break my little heart when Charlie just whispered for her not to die. AWE! Love that the kids are loving it!

Shay said...

That's fun! I loved having dogs growing up. One day I'm sure I will end up getting one as well.

Irene said...

congrats on the new addition!

Shannon said...

So cute! I showed Adie the pictures and now she's jealous. I hope Bernice continues to be a good dog for everyone!

Julia Kanouse said...

Very cute! I am a big time dog lover and looks like you got a great one!

Aunt Debi said...

Boy, you really lucked out. Most puppies are so nippy and love to chew on everything. Thanks for putting pictures of the puppy. I think she'll be a good fit to get the kids tired every day.

Leslie said...

So the doggy adventure begins! There's nothing like it.

Joni said...

Yay for puppies!