Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Who Writes the Check?

Alright this is trivial but it has been driving me a little crazy. I called a friend here and asked her a few questions about her utilities like; Who do you use for your phone service? Who is your internet provider? Who do you use for t.v.? And each time I've called or asked I get a "I don't really know let me ask my husband".

I kept thinking that was so weird. How does she not know who she pays the bill to? Then I finally realized duh, he must pay the bills.

In my house, my husband brings home the dough but I take care of all the finances. It could be quite possible that Mike wouldn't know the name of the gas company. In my mind it's the "woman's job" to handle the finances but maybe I'm wrong.

Just want to know how it's done at your house? Would you know who your internet provider was? Would you or your spouse know who to pay the bills to if you weren't the one who usually did it?


Andrea said...

I believe I would know. Most of it. I used to handle all of the finances, but now Matt takes care of most of them online, so I don't do much. That's interesting that they don't know the providers.

kimmalee said...

I usually pay the bills. Glenn and I have sort of taken turns depending on whose work or school schedule is more hectic that month. I pretty much always know when the bills come and how much they are though. Once I'm not working anymore I think it will be my job. I think I'd go nuts not knowing how much is going out each month. That's me though and we all know I'm a tiny bit uptight.

Shannon said...

I pay them, but Matt knows what's going on. He takes care of making sure money is in the right accounts and stuff. So he usually knows better how much money we have, but I know better what is going out. But if I died or he died the one left behind would be able to do it without a problem. (I guess we could say if one of us was on vacation...that sounds less drastic.)

Amberly said...

do you think I would reliquish all that monetary control? are you kidding me? Alright, it's not that drastic, but I pay the bills. Dent knows who we pay and the basics of our budget, but I am the money lady.

lramey said...

I want NOTHING to do with the money- I have THEE worst budgeting plan- or lack thereof- in the entire world, I'm pretty sure. I don't know where it goes, how much it is, who it goes to, nothing, nada, zilch!!! I'm so fine with it!!!! i don't want the possibility of my mistake causing us mass amounts of fees or something!!! Go Brent- have at it!Just let me buy some shoesies once in a while and we're good!!!!!

Lindsay said...

bills suck...thats all!

The Hansen's said...

I am the bill-payer at our house. I think part of it is that cody hates to write checks, due to his beautiful hadwritting. But he is always making sure that I know what day to write them out and how much money is in each account. So basically I'm being used for my handwritting and knowledge of how to go to the post office and buy stamps. But I'm cool with it, at least I know a little about what's goin' on.

The Hunt's said...

I think that's a little situation is like yours. Wadey brings home the bacon, I send it back out of the house. But he knows what's going on, who we're paying what. I tend to think it's important for both people to have an idea of what's going on...that's not crazy, I agree with you!

Shay said...

I pay the bills. Brad used to do it, but since I stopped working I took over that job. Brad still knows what's going on and who is getting our money. I guess it is my way of feeling involved. I really enjoy it!

Nicole said...

I handle all of the finances at our house. I'd like to say that Jeremy would know who to write the checks to, but I don't know that he would. Maybe I'll have to quiz him about it.

Croslands said...

I gave Mike a quiz last night and he passed!

Karen said...

Our Accountant pays our bills. Oh, that's Jeremy. But, I know what's going on, because we sit down together and discuss things quite often. Plus, I open all of the mail and see who the bills come from. That's the secret...

Amie said...

Roland totally takes care of that stuff, but I'm pretty involved. He tells me when he's paying and to whom. We do our budgeting together and try to sit down once a week to go over it. I like that we both have a hand in it and once in while I actually write the check, but usually it's Roland

Brittney said...

I always love your blog, never know what to expect! But Brent does all the bill paying, mainly online. I know where it is all going, but it stresses me too he takes care of it! And I love it!

Krista said...

funny. our house is exactly the opposite. i don't think matt has a clue of any of the services we use. it drives me nuts. i wish he did the bills and finance, but he's just blissfully ignorant. he only asks questions if there is a blip in internet service or something.

The Wards said...

I write the checks usually. We are both involved, but I do have more time to be more thorough. We balance and budget with Quicken, so if I did get a call like that (even if I wasn't used to paying the bills) I would be able to check the computer easily. This is fun. I like reading everyone's comments.

Tara said...

Chris does it all here. I would pass a test if I had too but Chris sends the dough out each month and I only get an earfull if I have spent too much of the "family money" on stuff for me (that kind of thing is supposed to come out of my own account, but you know sometimes I forget, or I am a little low).

It's the credit union in you to want to be on top of it all. Speak of $$$ I am 45 cents off in my account and it is driving me bonkers!!!

Rachel L said...

Um, I pay the bills. Rob knows all the utility info though. I keep cancelling cable and he keeps re-ordering it. Okay just once I cancelled it and just once he reinstated it. It would be nice to be oblivious to bills and all that rot.

Ammon and Tasha said...

Yah I am right there with your friend - Ammon makes the money and Ammon pays the bills - no idea even how much our mortgage is, sad I know. Finaces just stress me out way too much so I just spend and he tells me to stop and it is a love hate relationship! :0