Monday, September 29, 2008
Answer This
I grew up in a family that had dinner together every night. We talked about all kinds of things over dinner; politics, religion, attitude, dress, our actions, manners. One thing that my parents did right was that I didn't ever know who they liked or disliked.
Let's exclude our adolescent years and I want to know who has really strayed that far from the nest? Do you attend the same church your parents attended? Do you belong to the same political party your parents belonged to? I know that we all like to think that we are "free thinkers" but I've decided that I don't buy it. There is the scripture (Proverbs 22:16) " Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray." We could sit and argue about what is the "right way" but that's not what I'm after. I have learned that as a mother, I have the power. I am able to influence my children to know and love the things and people that I love. (Which also means that I would have the power to have them hate or dislike people if I chose to go that route.) I have seen this in other families where the parents speak of people they don't like within ear shot of the children, and guess what? The kids don't like those people either.
Now I know that my blog visitors are from different religions and different political parties but yet each of them believe/know that they are supporting the right things. I am not looking to hear why you are right. All I really want to know what you believe, what your most influential parent believed? Alright ladies let me have it, I'm very curious.
Friday, September 26, 2008
They're Coming

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Mike's Version

Monday, September 22, 2008
Out by the Bay

The Bay Bridge
Maggie always the trooper stuck in her stroller.
Dad and Charlie

I thought that the kids would go to sleep in the car after the long day. But no, they were talking and arguing the whole way home. Couldn't wait to get to bed that night.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
4 Months Old
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Aunt Debi to the Rescue

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Totally Inappropriate

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Who Writes the Check?
I kept thinking that was so weird. How does she not know who she pays the bill to? Then I finally realized duh, he must pay the bills.
In my house, my husband brings home the dough but I take care of all the finances. It could be quite possible that Mike wouldn't know the name of the gas company. In my mind it's the "woman's job" to handle the finances but maybe I'm wrong.
Just want to know how it's done at your house? Would you know who your internet provider was? Would you or your spouse know who to pay the bills to if you weren't the one who usually did it?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Where's Moe?
- I can't find Moe.
- I know that Mike put her on the couch after her diaper was changed but she's not there.
- Upstairs to see if he put her on our bed or in her crib. Nope not there either.
- Back downstairs when I hear talking and giggling from behind the poof pillow.

Friday, September 5, 2008
Pre School

Charlie was excited from the minute he woke up. He started with making his bed, and then proceeded to get himself dressed. I told him that I didn't want him to grow up and get dressed all by himself (reverse psychology here). "Don't worry mom" he said. "You can still do the buttons." We packed his backpack and he wore it all morning until it was time to go.
Jane was very concerned at the drop off. She cried for about ten minutes and has been asking for Charlie all morning. They have been such good playmates this last month. I on the other hand feel great. It feels like a little piece of freedom and heaven. I went to Walmart after we dropped him off and I couldn't believe how good it felt to only have two.
Charlie doesn't start kindergarten until fall 2010. Jane will start the next year fall 2011. I just realized this a couple of weeks ago. They are 21 months apart but their birthdays hit so that they will only be a year apart in school. I assume that I will love this too. Time will tell.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Little Moe