I have proof that my husband just travels too much. The other day while at the grocery store he picked up some bloody mary mix (non alcoholic). For those of you who don't know what that is...I would say it's V-8 with a kick. This drink just happens to be his favorite airplane drink. After church yesterday he was sitting down taking care of our little Maggie. As I walked by he politely asked me if I would get him a bloody mary drink. Then he continued to place his order asking me to put in just so much ice and not to forget the lime. (Which he also made sure to purchase.) I was truly just staring at him thinking this was all a little silly and then he made it worse. He asked me to bring it to him with peanuts! Serious, he was not joking! I burst into laughter. After I contained myself my response was the appropriate "Of course Mr. Crosland, I'll get that right away."