Thursday, October 14, 2010


He's Big. He's Bold. He's Six.
It's official, our baby boy is all grown up. He loves kindergarten, friends and football. He even acts like he loves us now and then.
He has agreed to let me paint his bathroom blue and denies ever wanting it pink. (glad I waited.)
Charlie has discovered that he likes to draw.
His reading has drastically improved.
We celebrated his birthday with a family dinner and a perfect light saber gift.The girls and I also took some treats to his classroom yesterday. We arrived at the end of computer lab time. Charlie came over said hello to Jane and then led her back to his desk and was showing her how to play the game. He found Maggie and led her to the toys. I was so impressed with his kindness. It appears that he is learning all of the things I've mentioned over and over. Weird, repetition does work....eventually.
Side note: Charlie's teacher took me aside and mentioned that she tries to have one on one time with Charlie and she is always surprised at how bright he is. She said "in class he always acts like such a boy" (meaning disinterested) After discovering that he is a good reader she went back to look at his kindergarted pretest and found out that he got a perfect score. Since that time she is requiring more from him. hooray for that!
Way to go buddy. We love you.


Donna and Ronn said...

Wonderful to read about your Charlie! And Happy Birthday to you Charlie!! Six is such a great age. You are doing great! I will never forget watching you Kimber, when Charlie was born. You were head over heels in love with him, and could hardly relinguish him to my arms for longer than about 10 minutes. I loved that you loved him so much. You are a great mom!!

Donna and Ronn said...

Wonderful to read about your Charlie! And Happy Birthday to you Charlie!! Six is such a great age. You are doing great! I will never forget watching you Kimber, when Charlie was born. You were head over heels in love with him, and could hardly relinguish him to my arms for longer than about 10 minutes. I loved that you loved him so much. You are a great mom!!

Amberly said...

oh charlie... you're such a smarty-pants and have learned already to play it down... brilliant kid you have there! happy birthday to the little stinker... wish he and coop were closer, they'd take the world by storm!

The Kelly Variety said...

Happy Birthday Charlie!

Michelle Burk said...
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Michelle Burk said...

Spencer is sending Charlie a Big Happy Birthday wish! We're glad you teacher knows how smart you are. We already knew, of course, it's about time she caught on. Love you!