Friday, June 11, 2010

Big Bed

Maggie is in a big girl bed now so bed time has become a lot more enjoyable for her and Jane. Not for me. Here's how it went down last night.

7:00 - Tuck in. "Good night girls, close your eyes and stay quiet, I love you."

7:30 - Loud laughing and banging. I walk in to find them in the same bed. "Girls it's time for bed please get back in your bed, close your eyes and be quiet."

8:00 - Light is shining under the door. I walk in to find them on the floor playing with dolls. "Girls, it is not time to play, it's time for bed."
"But Mom, we are playing with our babies and they are crying so we have to take care of them."Jane says with all seriousness.
"Yeah baby cwying" mimics Mags.
"Too bad for the babies, get into bed." I take away the dolls and turn the light off on my way out.

8:30 - More noise. Lights on. Music. I walk in and see two girls dancing with big fluffy skirts on. I didn't have to say a word. Jane put her hands on her hips and said "We can't go to bed Mom, we are having a dance party."
"Yeah dance party" (maggie)
Back down again.

9:00 - Noise, Lights! Walk in to find the girls in the same bed, laughing and talking. I don't say a word. I pick up Maggie put her in her own bed, and tuck them both in. As I turn out the light Jane says, "We are going to turn the light on when you leave."
I stop in my tracks, "What?"
"You can turn off the light but we are just going to turn it back on after you leave."
Yep, I thought that's what I had heard. I thought her honesty was funny but I tried not to let her see me smile.
I turned the light back on, went and got myself a book then sat down on the floor and silently read. I didn't get to bed for another hour but I did get some good entertainment.


Debi said...

Since I wasn't the one dealing with it I can LAUGH!!! That is too cute! How is your turtle by the way?

Karen said...

You'll have to remember this story for when they're teenagers and hate being around each other. So cute...yet not so cute. :)

Shannon said...

I love your kids! Sisters are the best!

Nancy said...

I just love them! It reminds me of when Melissa had four littles ones ages 3 and under and her husband was out of town. I asked her how I could help, and she said, "Could you just come and sit in their room until they fall asleep?" I was in the room with the three boys who barely knew me, and they were so quiet while watching this stranger in their room. They fell asleep after about 30-40 minutes. It was hilarious. However, I'm sure Jane and Maggie were a lot more entertaining! At least they enjoyed eachother!

Cammi said...

DUH Kim, Dance party! I totally understand Janey.. ;) Those two are just too dang cute for words...

Unknown said...

I love you Kim and OHHH I love those kids!!!! That little Jane may have a little "Callister" in her...I'm just sayin' ;)