Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dumb Mom

Today Maggie is 18 months. We dropped the kids off at preschool and then went to the grocery store. Moe was a screaming, yelling mess.
At first of course I just ignored her and said sweet little things to her like, "Oh Mags, you don't need to be sad. I love you." She truly could have cared less. I started receiving some dirty looks from customers so I took her out of the cart to hold her. Certainly that would do the trick. Nope.
I then received several face slaps while the screaming continued. Then came the classic throw the head and arch the back. "Mags, would you like to walk?" Of course I said this sweetly. The tears were flowing (hers, not mine) the yelling continued so I put her down to walk beside me. I'm certain that wasn't what she wanted because she threw herself to the floor for her continued tantrum.
I picked her up and we proceeded to the cereal isle to get a box of granola bars that were not on my list. I hurried to put her in the cart and open up the package. Then I got out a choc chip granola bar and handed it to her. She chucked it on the ground. I picked it up and tried again. Same response. Then I grabbed a box of gushers that were not on my list. I opened up the box while she continued in anger. Opening up the little package she could see what it was. She grabbed them out of my hand and the crying stopped.
"Are you going to be happy now?" I was still able to manage a nice voice here.
"Uh huh" Maggie replied.
That's when I became completely aware that I was just worked over big time.

I should have known. The terrible two's always start at 18 months and then end at age four. Silly me for thinking otherwise.


Debi said...

Oh I am so glad I am not the only one who gets played by my kids. haha You're a great Mom!

Joni said...

You are a good Mom! Sometimes kids just know how to work it. :)

Ro said...

i agree with you, 18mon-4yrs!! i'm still waiting and hoping for the terrible 2s to end! you are so good to keep your cool, that means she didn't win~you did!!!

Cammi said...

You have way miore patience then I do! That must come with being a mom. Miss you guys!

Unknown said...

I'm on number 6 and have never had anything like that happen. Come on Kimmi! (dripping sarcasm) I think it has happened to the best of us. Love you and LOVE MAGS!!!

Shannon said...

You just described every outing I ever have with Andrew, except he doesn't take bribes. Today we were at the mall and he smacked me in the nose so hard I thought it was bleeding!

Unknown said...

LOL!!! I just had that same experience in Weggies, but everyone around me was nice and supportive. Two is one of my favorite stages, EXCEPT for the tantrums.

Tara said...

So it is coming to an end in 5 months for Presley--I sure hope so.

Moe, Stella, Andrew, and Eislee--can we just put them in a room with food and diapers for the next 3 years? Pick them up when they are happy?

It is too bad I love how much they grow in that time frame.