She is so squeezy and yummy that I find her irresistible.
She is so squeezy and yummy that I find her irresistible.
We're trying to make funny faces but I was concentrating more on the camera. I think that this was our fifth try to fit me in and get it right. I'll have to work harder at honing my skills here.
Thanks Shannon and Amberly for the inspiration. Truly all should consider this. Even if you don't blog. Take more pictures of yourself!
All of these things made for a non accomplishing week, but yet, I have been so busy. My children have green goop seeping from their eyes and noses. Jane's been treated for an ear infection. Charlie had to get a chest x-ray to see if he had pneumonia. (He's in the clear.) Maggie's crib has been jimmy rigged to give her an incline and keep her from rolling. We've purchased two extra humidifiers. We've spent a lot of time in front of the t.v., lying on the couch, reading books and doing puzzles.
I'm working on little sleep but I'm really feeling quite good. Mike gave each of my children a blessing before leaving and then I politely said, "uh, I think I'm going to need one too". I 'm quite certain that's why I'm doing so well.
I'm grateful for the Priesthood and the power it has to bless lives.