Hooray for visitors! We would have moved away a long time ago if we had known it could be this fun. My sister Debi and some of her family came to visit us this week.
Adam, Dave, Debi and McKenzie
I just had to include this picture because Mike is so stinkin burly. The production starts this coming weekend so we won't get to see him much these next two weeks. He thinks he wants to keep the beard but we have all voted him out. No more kisses Dad! It's scratchy.
Patient Moe
The squirrels would come up and eat out of our hands. I'm pretty sure that the kids thought that was cooler than any of the monuments.
Jane loves hats, purses, jackets. I've been calling her "hobo jane" lately but the Hansen's renamed her "bag lady jane". Fitting I think.

Mac and the Washington Monument

Mac and the Washington Monument
The kids loved playing with McKenzie. She was fun to have around and she kept all of us entertained. As usual.

Where's Charlie?

Where's Charlie?
Another great week. We went to Manassas to check out the battlefields, toured a day in DC, visited Arlington Cemetery, had a yummy Thanksgiving dinner with four missionaries, watched movies and Dave and Adam painted our bedroom. (I think that as everyone has come they want to work as hard as Michelle. No complaints here. )
The more the merrier, come on over!