Monday, April 9, 2012


janes prayer tonight at the dinner table went something like this.....
.....and bless Corbin and Nate to be safe on their missions and bless that grandpa won't die and bless that Charlie will stop always teasing the girls, and bless that Dad won't get mad and bless that Bernie will stop barking at the people walking by outside (about this time was when I started rubbing my forehead) and bless that Mom won't get a headache and bless that Charlie will close his eyes and be reverent and bless that Maggie will stop getting on every one's nerves and bless that she will put her fork down and fold her arms and bless that she will stop eating until after the prayer is finished and bless that she will listen to me right now (this is when Mike intervened and said "don't forget to bless the food")
At this point we were able to move forward and finish the prayer. Can you tell she had her eyes open?
Her prayers are always long and entertaining


Cathy said...

Awesome prayer...super cute! Dont know why but this reminds me of when we would time grandpas prayers.

Nancy said...

That was just beautiful. She is so good at prayers. Thanks for sharing!!

Tutz said...

HA! I started laughing about the time you started rubbing your forehead. I hope Mags listened after that! Jane is FUUUNny!

Unknown said...

Laughed out loud. Of course. :)