Wednesday, April 18, 2012


you can click on this picture to make it bigger.
if you can read this story than you might be a complete genius.
for all of the rest of you... let me interpret it.
Jane and Maggie
were walking
down the street
from the market
they got lots
of food. A little
girl walked by
she was
very poor. Jane and Maggie
gave her
some food.
I can't believe you couldn't figure that out, guess you're not a genius.


Debi said...

What? I guess I'm not a genius. I sure didn't get all that from the letter. Do they always go to the market and come home with too much food? Are they driving now? Yikes. Better check their lipstick before they go. Ha

Nicole said...

So cute! I love how kids spell things when they are first learning.