Tuesday, April 24, 2012


My youngest angel daughter is a bit demanding and stubborn. I'm certain it comes from the other side of the family since I am nothing like her. We have been trying to instill good manners. I saw a glimpse of hope while she yelled from the table this morning.
"MOM, May you please get me more pancakes NOW!"
Now the positive that I take from this is that she did sort of use "please" and "May I".


Amberly said...

grandma nina would be beaming proud of those table manners! she's a little doll, and your blog is looking adorable as well. keep 'em coming. if I can't squish their faces I wanna at least read about them.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that girl is a cutie! But I'm gonna have to argue with you...cause I always blame the stubborness on the "other" side too...which is your side. Of course, we have those stubborn Thomas' too. Hmmm. :)

Katelyn & Wade said...

freak, i would take it. and charlie...my favorite EVER!

Cathy said...

Ok, manners or not...you need to contact matel or something. Maggie could easily be a model for their next doll. Look at her little doll face.

Nancy said...

What a good mother you are to teach Maggie good manners. Awesome!!