Thursday, September 1, 2011


The kids were invited to Vacation Bible School. The theme was Beach Blast and it was true to its name. I think this was the first church experience that Charlie would look forward to. Of course that did have a lot to do with the fact that they played sports outside. Jane did a fish craft to remind her of when Jesus fed the multitude.
Charlie made a treasure box that says "God's promises are my treasure"
Inside there are different scriptures.

Maggie learned about baby Jesus and was able to hold and take care of little baby dolls.

At the end of each night the kids gathered for singing, dancing and a "wrap up the evening" story.

Gracie, Jane and Maggie

Someone and Mags

So there was a very favorite song that none of us can get out of our head. Here's the chorus for you.

uh uh uh A Admit to God that you are a sinner.

bu bu bu bu B Believe that Jesus is Gods only son.

su su su su C Commit yourself to the Lord above and ask him to fill you up with his love.

When you become a Christian hope is easily found cause when you hit rock bottom you'll land on solid ground.


Debi said...

VBS Now that is a new cultural experience you can't get in Utah. Any activity that gets the kids outside is a good thing. Did someone in the neighborhood invite you?

Amberly said...

I could just eat mags right up.

Cathy said...

Whoever wrote that song is almost as good as the Monks!

Nancy said...

I love the "Mags and SOMEONE". Apparently she is a Christain because she loves everyone (even those she doesn't know).

Tutz said...

I need to hear the tune to your song and see if it is like the one Lindsay and BJ learned in their Lutheran school. Those are catchy tunes! What fun!

Anonymous said...

Love it. Just got home from Mississippi yesterday...I was lovin' their enthusiasm for God. I should probably be more like that...maybe next time you guys get invited I could attend Bible camp too?