Monday, February 22, 2010

The power of T.V.

Charlie: "Mom, we use our baking soda to make cookies but did you know that you can also use baking soda to make your fridge smell good? They even have baking soda toothpaste, to brush your teeth. "

A while ago I pulled out my "Neosporin to go" and Charlie said "Mom, that's not how you use it, first you have to flip it around your finger and then you point and spray" .


Amie said...

silly boy. :)

kimmalee said...

Wow, he really has been paying attention! That was quite the informercial.Cute kid.

kimmalee said...

Oh and I love your new picture! What adorable kids you have.

Nancy said...

Charlie sounds like such an expert. He is at the age Corbin was when he told me he was smarter than me--smart way up to Jesus. Has Charlie tried that yet?

Shannon said...

It cracks me up when my kids turn into commercials too! And I love the new picture at the top. Jane looks fabulous!!