Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My Girls

This is an average day for Jane. She is really into layering and dressing herself. She will only wear skirts. ( I'm a jeans sort of girl myself so it's frustrating sometimes.) Oh and back to layering. She really layers. One day under her skirt and tights she was wearing three pairs of undies.

Yes, she really posed like that on purpose.

Irresistible to me. (Mags and the brownie)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Nothing to Blog About

What is this you say? A new fabulous game that Charlie and Jane came up with on their own. They are on an airplane. They spent quite a long time packing their backpacks with snacks and books and activities. Then I made the final boarding call, took their pretend tickets and they sat in those chairs a really long time. I did manage to get a little more time out of them when I let them know that we were experiencing some turbulence so they needed to stay in their seats with their seat belts securely fastened.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The power of T.V.
A while ago I pulled out my "Neosporin to go" and Charlie said "Mom, that's not how you use it, first you have to flip it around your finger and then you point and spray" .
Saturday, February 6, 2010
72 Hour Kit???

It is still snowing and we are barely approaching 24 hours. We've been dumped on and we are loving it. Mike wanted to buy a snow blower a few days ago. Of course I said no. Lame, we are considered one of the southern states. We have mild winters. (that's what we've been told.) Maybe I should have let him. One of our neighbors bought one because of the impending snow. Smart move, we've all used it.
Cheeks of Joy