Friday, April 15, 2011


I love soccer. It's a sport kids feel they can do. I like that.

Jane is in an instructional group. Our league hires entertaining Brits to teach and inspire the kids. (Mal, they have a tall Scottish guy that probably needs to meet you.) They learn all of the fundamental footwork needed to become good players. So far this year Jane is participating (big improvement from last year). I think she gets it and it is so fun to watch. We are super pleased with Charlie this year. This is his first year on a real team and I thought it would be a laughing adventure.
Turns out that he really knows what he is doing. He didn't follow the herd and when the other team got the ball he would get in the defensive mode and go to cut them off instead of just "chase".
He also managed to score his first goal. And the teams first goal.

This is his look to us to make sure we got it. Yep we got it.

Way to go bud!


The Spencer Family said...

Awww! How cute is that!!??

Tara said...

way to go! P starts her second season of soccer next week--anything will be an improvement!

Mallory said...

Wow. I just vote yes to everything that's going on. Charlie being a star player, Jane's uniform that has touches of pink, aannddd the imported coaches aren't a bad thing. :)

Anonymous said...

Mal you will go for anyone with a ACCENT and good looks...or anyone from Europe!! Fun!!! I'm so happy that Charlie is loving soccer, that is so good that he caught on so fast!! Oh Janey she is so stinkin cute!!

Michelle Burk said...

I can't believe Jane is old enough to play soccer. She looks so big.