Friday, May 29, 2009


About a week late but we finally celebrated Maggie's one year birthday. She loved her chocolate cake and didn't have any hesitation digging in. Moe is healthy and happy. She brightens up our home and is climbing on top of everything. We are still working on teaching her how to properly get down from high places.
She had her Dr. visit and is doing very well. Here are here stats....
  • Weight - 22.5 pounds -70%

  • Height - 29 and half inches - 60%
  • Head 18 inches


Danielle said...

What beautiful blue eyes! She looks happy and healthy - good job, Mom! Hope her birthday celebration was a fun day for your family - they sure pass by quickly.

Jensen Family said...

nobody knows, but this is how i look when i really dig into a good chocolate cupcake. shhh. such a cute girl!!

lramey said...

she is delicious!

Andrea said...

She already knows how amazing chocolate is. I think that makes you a very good mom. :) I love that picture of her just digging in!!! I'd better go down and have an oreo.

Aunt Debi said...

Oh Yeah, these are the pictures I've been waiting for! You go Mags! Can't wait to squeeze you.

Amie said...

What a doll! Can't wait to see her (and the rest of you) soon!

Anonymous said...

She is SOOO STINKIN' CUTE!!! One year. The time sure flies!!!

Karen said...

That's about how I look while consuming chocolate cake.

The Wards said...

Those eyes of hers are to die for!!! It's too bad we don't all look as cute as she does with chocolate all over her face, otherwise I might just dig into my birthday cake the same way. Maybe I'll do it, just for a reaction??? I'll even take my shirt off - no, just kidding, now the joke is going to far!