We had a wonderful trip and were able to make a lot of fun memories. Mom and Dad have lived such good lives and have great kids to show for it. I am certainly lucky to be a part of this family.
My sister Debi watched our children in Utah and here is an excerpt from her email update of how the kids were doing.
Tonight when Janie was saying her prayers, Charlie kept telling her to bless baby Mya. She would stop her prayer to tell Charlie 'no'. Then Charlie would cry because she wouldn't say it. So, I told him to say it in his prayer. I think he was going to until Janie told him to then he deliberately left out blessing baby Mya. They can really push each others buttons when they want to. Mags is so easy! She is happy, giggly and can down her bottle or a jar of food in less than a minute! The funny thing is when she is seated eating her food, she is so excited that she keeps her hands raised in the air with her wrists going around and around, and her legs kicking. She is so happy. Then when she gets a little cranky she goes right down. Easy!
I've been getting after the kids to clean up their messes. Charlie will go right over and start to clean up but when I tell Janie to go help she suddenly goes deaf! Yesterday I was getting lunch ready and told them to go pick up the marbles. Charlie went right over and started picking them up but Janie just dottled around the room. I told Charlie to pick up half of them and told Janie when she picked up the rest she could come eat lunch. She was slow and cried a bit but in a few minutes she was up to the counter ready for lunch. They really are good if I remind them to clean up and make sure they do it.