Sunday, July 17, 2011

Family Funnies

I've been saving up. I try to record them as they come along.. here's what I've collected over the last few months.

Charlie: "I can't wait to tell everyone at school about my stitches"

Mom: " yeah, you can tell them how brave you were and that you didn't even cry."

Charlie: "I'm not going to say that. Whenever you tell me what to say, I never say it. You're not in my brain. Besides, you don't ever make sense."


"Mom, go over to that guy, I want to talk to him."

(so like an idiot, i walk over to the nice man working at sears)

"My daughter just wanted to talk to you" I say.

He looked at Maggie with a smile and she replied.

"You're hair is crazy and nasty."

He looked at me. I looked at her in pure embarrassment and anger and she lifted up her arms and said "what? is that not nice to say?"

I love my children's bottoms. They are cute and squishy and I like to squeeze them. The other day Maggie was getting on my last nerve and she knew it. After she started to boss me around, I gave her the look. She saw my face, turned around, stuck out her little rear end and said, "you can squeeze my bottom if you want to mom."

Charlie and Jane

I was bending down in my pajamas and I could feel that they were sagging. Jane said "uh mom, your pants are too small". Charlie quickly jumped in and said "Jane that isn't' nice, mom is still growing".

While at Cabella's Jane was laughing and pointing at the gopher that they had posed with it's head in a hole and bottom in the air.
Charlie turned to her and said "Jane stop laughing. You are not being nice to nature."

Jane was singing another great made up song. Here is an excerpt

" Jesus loves me. Jesus widiculous loves me"

So clearly neglecting the third child is alive and well. I totally thought that Maggie knew her ABC's. She is three and I've heard her sing them a million times. But just the other day we were face to face singing the ABC's here's what I heard..."A B C D E F G H I J K an I need to go P, Q R S T U V W X Y and Z" Of course I had her repeat it and we will be working a little harder on our ABC's.


Debi said...

Oh yes, that was what I was waiting for. Ha Miss you guys. Once year just isn't enough. Plus we only got Mikey for a tiny window. I miss Lake Powell.

Monica said...

Oh you make me laugh so hard! I Love you and your kids, you dish washing crazy woman! Mike ain't bad either! So glad you all are safe and home finally!

Krista Hegstrom said...

Those are awesome! All of them! ha! So good to see you while you were here for a bit! Love ya and your silly kids!

Becca said...

Shaun and I are laughing our heads off. Oh that Maggie. You are going to have rough teenage years I predict with her. These are great quotes. And now I have a new excuse if my pants are too small, "I'm still growing."