Monday, June 4, 2012


Here are all of the funny or totally embarrassing things that my kids have said. I should keep them to myself, but who am I to ruin all of the fun?
noodles - nudies
very - berry
disappear - capeared
remember - bemember

Charlie singing the wrong lyrics to a song that we do not play in our house, "I've got fashion in my pants and I'm not afraid to show it. I'm sexy and I know it." And for the record the real lyrics are even worse than that.

Maggie: "Mom, is it today?"
Mom: "yes"
Maggie: " I knew it. I knew it was today."

Jane: "Mom Carys thinks that I'm the prettiest girl in the whole school."
Mom: I think to myself. That is very weird that her best friend would say that to her. They are a bit competitive with each other. So I say "Really? She said that?"
Jane: "Yeah she told me that." (insert snotty voice here) "She said, Jane, you just think you're the prettiest girl in the whole school."
(She didn't get it.)

When Maggie gets really mad and wants to insult you she calls you a freak. I don't know where she learned it but the other day Charlie was teasing her and she yelled, "knock it off you little freak."

And just today Maggie said, "Mom, Jesus spoke to my heart and said that brushing your teeth makes them dirty. So I don't have to brush my teeth." (really? blaming Jesus?)


Debi said...

Yea, you finally blogged again!! Such clever communicators! Aren't you excited to have them home all summer? Who knows what you will discover with all this time together. Can't wait to see you guys!

Krista Hegstrom said...

Kendra's boy preston sang the same lyrics as Charlie - Teresa's Abram however says, "I've got a rash in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it". freakin' hilarious!

Nicole said...

Your kids are hilarious!

Cathy said...

Jesus spoke to my heart too and told me he's so happy you updated your blog. :)

Jensen Family said...

I think your kids belong at my house!! I could seriously take that Maggie home. Cute kiddos Kim!

Shannon said...

Andrew has on multiple occasions blurted out in public, "sexy and I know it!" and he usually repeats it over and over.