Life is blaa but this is something exciting! Meet Ada. She is my great niece and first great grandchild on the Crosland side. I can hardly wait to meet her.
I can't even begin to tell you how many snow days we've had. Okay I should rephrase that. Not actual snow days but school is cancelled days. These are two totally different things here. We really don't get much snow. Here is a picture of my street on one of our "school is closed today" days. Silly.

Maggie was, and still is jealous. She steals the goods any time she can.
Jane, Charlie, Maggie
Valentine's from Grandma and Grandpa
Charlie and Mike as we celebrated Mike's Birthday!
I'm hoping for a quick spring. This has been a hard couple of months with many friends who are going through hard times. Lot's of service opportunities to keep us busy.
Valentine's from Grandma and Grandpa
I'm hoping for a quick spring. This has been a hard couple of months with many friends who are going through hard times. Lot's of service opportunities to keep us busy.
Clearly I'm not in the mood to blog. This is all I can muster for you wonderful family members who check this every once and while.
I've been feeling very blaa the last few days too. I think spring needs to hurry up and get here! Better yet, summer!!
Okay Kimber..I told you I found your blog. Now I can stalk you::))
I think we all are feeling blahh! That's what I'm blaming the extra weight that seems to be jumping on my hips and thighs lately. We need a bball game now!!
It's about time! I check your blog at least twice a day. I miss your face! I hope spring comes soon for you.
Mike's cake was a serious blaze! Next year you might have to resort to electric candles so you don't burn the house down. *Maybe you should come for a little visit to shake the blaaazz.
These winter months are the ultimate blaaaz and you don't even get snow for snow days, that is a real bummer. Love ya, hope that spring brings some good things. :)
You have a cute family!! Love your blog :)
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