She's allergic to snakes. (just ask her)
She has over seven imaginary friends. They cause all kinds of trouble. There is Ashley, Erica, Asha, Vielle, Verna, Seenana and Lona. (that's all I can think of right now)
She will one up any story that you have. And they always involve her imaginary friends.
For example:
Charlie and I were talking about the strength of tornadoes. I was telling him that some are strong enough to lift up cars. While we were having our discussion we were rudely interupted with a story about the time that Jane and Erica were in a tornado.
We went to Mt. Vernon a while ago. After going through the museum and seeing a diarama of a war slaughter with dead soldiers, Indians and horses she went on to tell me the story about the time she and her friend, Asher killed an Indian.
Charlie gets a little tired of her stories and he usually rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

Jane & Carys
My most recent favorite Jane story was a couple of weeks ago when she was at her friends house across the street. My neighbor (Cyndi) knows that I don't give my children caffeinated drinks.
The girls were playing nicely and then they went up to Carys' room and Cyndi heard them shut the bedroom door and lock it. A minute later she walked up and asked them to unlock the door. All she heard was a whispering panic of "hide, hide". She unlocked the door and couldn't find them. She looked under the bed and there were the girls laying on their tummies sucking down a diet Coke. So she took away their soda and they got a talking to about; taking it without asking, hiding it and locking the door. Miss Cyndi let them know that they would be on time out (at this time she was a little worried if I would be mad).
This is where the story gets good. As soon as she said they would be on time out. Jane piped up "Miss Cyndi, you can put me on time out but will you save that drink for me and I'll finish it when we get off time out because it was soooo good."
We've decided that these little three year olds are going to be giving us a run for our money. We will spend our lives doing our best to be on top of our game.